Outstanding Cleaning number one priority is the health and safety of our employees. We have implemented extensive preventive and protective measures to address COVID-19 as we continue to support our customers. Our protocols were developed by our Health Services and Environmental Health and Safety teams and are based on the Centers for Disease Control guidance.

Cleaning Procedures:

  • Extensive daily cleaning procedures have been implemented.
  • High-touch areas are cleaned 3x each day.
  • In areas with engine hardware, employees use a cleaning agent safe for engine hardware.
  • Employees are instructed to disinfect areas before and after shift, using provided materials.
  • Supplemental, rotational weekend cleaning of key manufacturing and assembly areas with an intensive disinfection process as a supplement to our daily cleaning routine.
  • Visual management to provide cleaning-status updates of common areas and bathrooms, so employees are aware of level of cleaning and timing.
  • For confirmed case mitigation, we contract with US Ecology, a leading environmental services firm, for additional cleaning and disinfection.
  • Disinfection crews use electrostatic spray machines for common areas & office space and on shop floors where possible, with appropriate limitations to protect engine hardware.

Cleaning Personnel:

  • We hired additional porters whose sole responsibility is the distribution of cleaning and disinfecting materials and to increase cleaning and disinfecting of common areas.
  • We are working to upgrade time clocks throughout our manufacturing shops to touchless scanners.