Dusting the furniture and vacuuming the floor in each bedroom are usually included in weekly housecleaning chores, but these steps will not touch every surface that should be cleaned from time to time. Because you and your family spend long hours each day in your rooms, you should not rush through or overlook any important steps when you are deep cleaning the bedrooms.
□ Launder the bed linens, including the bed skirt
□ Tumble dry the pillows
□ Vacuum the mattress
□ Clean the ceiling fan blades and light fixtures
□ Dust the lampshades
□ Remove unwanted clothes and other items
□ Organize the closet and drawers
□ Vacuum the floor using baking soda
□ Launder or vacuum curtains
□ Clean the curtain rod, blinds, windows and sills
□ Dust decorative pieces
The bathrooms are among the filthiest areas in most homes. They are heavily used each day, and this means that the grime can accumulate quickly. Your weekly bathroom cleaning chores may include wiping down the counters, cleaning the tub and shower basin and sanitizing the shower. These tasks should receive your attention now as well, and you need to take your efforts a step further to truly clean your bathrooms as thoroughly as they deserve.
□ Remove expired medications, cosmetics, and other products
□ Sanitize the toothbrush holder
□ Clean all makeup brushes
□ Sanitize sink, drain, and faucet
□ Wipe down the counter and faucet knobs
□ Clean the mirror
□ Sanitize the shower and tub using a mildew remover product
□ Clean the grout and tile
□ Sanitize the interior and exterior of the toilet
□ Launder the floor rugs, shower curtain, and liner
□ Clean the light fixtures
□ Wipe down the interior and exterior of the cabinets and drawers
□ Clean windows and sills
□ Wipe down the walls, doors, knobs, and baseboards
□ Organize the linen closet
□ Sweep and mop the floor